Begin your Family's Journey

This process is designed to ensure that Acton Academy Austin Main is the right fit for your child and your family.

We recognize that we ask you to dedicate time and thought to the process. Families who are thriving in our community often share that they truly enjoyed the process, and we hope you do too.

Get Started


Audition Form

We want to know who you are! Let us know you're interested. This is the first step of the audition process.

We believe in fostering independence and responsibility in our learners. Therefore, we kindly request that parents fill out the audition forms for the Elementary Studio, as our younger learners may need some assistance, while we ask for learners to take the initiative and complete the forms for the Middle School and Launchpad auditions by themselves.

Filled by Parents:


Family Meet-Up

After receiving your formal entry, we'd like to schedule a time to connect with your family. This meeting is aimed to be fun and informal to connect and answer questions you may have.


Invitation to join

Following the meet-up, if we believe Acton Austin Main would be a good fit for your family, we will invite you to join. Congratulations!